We are excited to announce that bookings for our Business Support Week in January have opened!
If you’re a Better Food Trader member, you can sign up now for a personalised business advice clinic on a topic of your choice. Once you have booked, you will need to fill in a short form to tell your advisor about you, your enterprise and your business challenge, so we ensure the session is tailored to your organisation’s needs.
The clinics will run online from 23rd to 27th January, and each trader may book a maximum of one slot per organisation, allocated on a first-come first-served basis. We will then advertise any remaining slots.
What areas of expertise are on offer?
- Online Marketing
- Cashflow, Business Planning and Finance
- Sales Strategy, Business Planning and Development
- Sales Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Margins
- Crowdfunding and Social Investment
- Developing Short Supply Chains and Direct Marketing
- Business Analysis, Budgeting, Project Management
- Marketing Strategy
- Pricing Strategies for Fresh Produce
- Running a Successful Cooperative
- E-commerce Strategy
Check your BFT emails for information on how to sign up for an individual advice session.
As part of Surviving and Thriving: Business Support Week we’re also pleased to announce two open sessions – available to all Better Food Trader members:
Marketing Design 1-Day Workshop
Date: Wednesday 25th January 2023
Time: 10am-4pm
The 1-day virtual marketing design workshop will bring together members to work with creative agency Improper to collaborate and create design materials for traders to use across the year.
Together we will design a collection of assets that can be adapted for all traders to use at key calendar moments. We will go from ideation through to design completion in one day.
We highly recommend this session for anyone responsible for marketing, social media or promoting your organisations.
Social Investment/Funding from LEAP
Date: Friday 27th January 2023
Time: 10am-12pm
Robert Fraser is Executive Director of the Real Farming Trust and manages the Loans for Enlightened Agriculture Programme (LEAP) which provides funds and support to agroecological and community food businesses. Robert is here to explain the programme, what funding is available and how to apply, plus answer any questions you may have about the scheme.
These events are kindly funded by Esmée Fairburn, via the Food Research Collaboration at City University as part of the Surviving and Thriving Business Support Week.
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash