Tues 18th Oct 10-1
Tues 25th Oct 10-1
To join us email with your name and reason for joining.
Are you concerned by climate change and frustrated by our food system? Do you know you could be doing more but you’re not sure where to start? Are you ready to turn talk into action, in good company? Well, then, Do Better Food is for you.
What is Do Better Food?
Do Better Food is a virtual peer-learning model that aims to arm individuals with the tools they need to not only make more sustainable and ethical food choices but to get out there and spread the word among their friends, relatives and wider circles.
Research shows that information giving approaches to changing behaviour don’t work, and peer-to-peer methods are stronger. Do Better Food helps you invite your peers to take action together, because it’s more effective, and actually it’s way more fun.
To join us email with your name and reason for joining.
What we’re offering
We believe that with the right tools and knowledge, anyone can be an influencer. So the idea is that we work with you to help you start crucial conversations, gain accountability and motivate others to change what they eat and where they get it from.
We’re not talking about bone-dry seminar-style learning. We’re interested in the fun yet frank chats that happen between like-minded people over a coffee. It’s our job to help you facilitate those natural, inspirational and, most importantly, actionable discussions.
So what’s our plan?
- We’ll provide you with everything you need to run three sessions with peers. This includes some activities, resources and support if you need it.
- We’ll train you up in coaching and facilitation skills so you feel confident and equipped to lead others in discussion.
- We’ll connect you with others also running their own groups – you won’t be in it alone!
- We’ll provide free access to resources that help you learn and share with your group.
What we’re asking
We are training up a small number of volunteers to get informed and start making changes to their food buying choices.
Following our training you will then lead your own group through the same process, hosting two informal sessions with your peers any time between November and December 2022 (for between 5 and 8 people, wherever and whenever you all feel comfortable).
The result will be tangible actions driven from the ground up that can help create a better food system for all—one that’s underpinned by ethics, not profits.
Tues 18th Oct 10-1
Tues 25th Oct 10-1
To join us email with your name and reason for joining.
What actions can I inspire?
What can’t you inspire? You’ll be leading open conversations about supporting and implementing sustainable local food networks. The list of actions is as big as your collective imagination. Our relationship to food is both personal and cultural, so your peer group’s individual experiences and needs will shape the chats you have. A few core actions might be:
- Researching the companies who supply your food and shifting your buying habits as a result
- Lobbying local MPs, companies or your employer about their practices and policies
- Sparking more conversations with families, friends and colleagues and encouraging them to take positive actions
- Using and discarding less single-use plastic
- Cooking more from scratch using fresh, local, nature-friendly and seasonal ingredients
- Finding ways to connect with food that feel meaningful for you
The Bottom line
Our food system is destructive, the planet is at breaking point, and those in charge aren’t doing enough about it. The only way to make it better is to stop supporting industrialised farming and big supermarkets and start shopping for food that’s produced sustainably. This means educating ourselves and those around us on how to support an organic, local, sustainable and equitable food system—fit for everyone involved in the food supply chain.
Become a thought-leader, inspire your peers, make new friends, drive the change.
Do Better Food
To join us email with your name and reason for joining.